How to navigate an array <Dictionary <String, String >> using Swift

Give me one example and explanation for "loop through array<Dictionary<String,String>>

with swift ...


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1 answer

Here is an example showing 2 loops. The first loops through the array collect each dictionary. The second loop goes through the dictionary, selecting each key, a pair of values:

let people:Array<Dictionary<String,String>> = [["first":"Fred", "last":"Jones"], ["first":"Joe", "last":"Smith"]]

// Grab each person dictionary from the array of dictionaries
for person in people {
    // Grab each key, value pair from the person dictionary
    // and print it
    for (key,value) in person {
        println("\(key): \(value)")



first: Fred
last: Jones
first: Joe
last: Smith


Note that dictionaries are unordered, so this can print as well:

last: Jones
first: Fred
last: Smith
first: Joe




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