
Declaring a global variable in java scriptlets

I have html file:

<% int i=1; %>
<span name="page2"></span>


and in the span2 page of that file, I inserted a new page like this:

<% if(i=1) { %>
<% }
else { %>
<% } %>


I am working in Websphere factory portlet to insert second page into first page.

The problem is that the variable "i" in the second file cannot be resolved.


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2 answers

Each jsp file is separately compiled to server

. when the second file is compiled it doesn't know the declaration int i


By default, it is stored in the field page


The scope of the page means the JSP object can only be accessed from within on the same page where it was created

You can install it,

application.setAttribute( "globalVar", i);


in the app area to access it through the app



Anything you write inside scriplet will become the content of the Servlet service method.


<% int i=1; %>


will be

public void service(request,response){
   int i=0



You can use JSTL tags because it is better to avoid using scripts

<c:set var="i" value="1" scope="request/session/application"/>


Your whole example without using a script would look like this

<!--You have to import JSTL libraries-->
<c:set var="i" value="1" scope="application"/>
<span name="page2"></span>


Accessing it in another JSP.

<!-- Expression language-->
<p> ${applicationScope.i eq 1?1:2} </p>




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