No resource found that matches the specified name "Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar"

I added android-support-v7-appcompat

, and appcompat_v7

in the Project Explorer. And also added android-support-v7-appcompat.jar

to the build path.

But again I get this

No resource found - Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar!


Screenshot of eclipse package explorer

How to fix it?


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2 answers

For me, the solution involved recreating the Android v7 Application Compatibility Support Library (appcompat):

The project should now compile. It's a long road, but it worked for me.

An interesting side effect of all this work is that when I created my next project, Eclipse automatically created a new library project appcompat_v7

, adding it to my workspace, and suddenly everything was back to normal. I probably did something different, but I just couldn't figure out what else. Anyway, I finally got my project to compile, and in the process it seems like I reset something in the Eclipse ADT.

Hope this helps.



please check if the android version you are targeting is configured, is there SDK building tools and the latest support package?

If not, go to

Window> Android sdk manager>

Select packages to target the exact version and update if you target the latest

If none of the above was done, then you may have uninstalled the old sdk build tools in the sdk manager after the upgrade. Please reinstall them and restart eclipse, everything will be fine.



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