Delphi - How to "overload" an object type procedure

Do 'Delphi' provides any way to "overload" an "object type procedure" like

TTesting = class(TObject)
TInformationEvent1 = procedure( x: integer ) of object; overload ;
TInformationEvent1 = procedure ( x: integer ; y: string) of object; overload ;
TInformationEvent1 = procedure ( x: integer ; y: string; z: Boolean) of object; overload ;


Can I overload this TInformationEvent1 function in three ways?


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3 answers

Good. You can define generic types with the same name but a different number of type arguments.

  TInformationEvent<T> = procedure(x:T) of object;
  TInformationEvent<T1,T2> = procedure(x:T1;y:T2) of object;
  TInformationEvent<T1,T2,T3> = procedure(x:T1; y:T2; z:T3) of object;


Then you will need to resolve the type argument when adding one of these as a member of the class.

  TMyClass = class
    FMyEvent: TInformationEvent<Integer>;
    FMyEvent2: TInformationEvent<Integer,string>;
    property MyEvent: TInformationEvent<Integer> read FMyEvent write FMyEvent;
    property MyEvent2: TInformationEvent<Integer,string> read FMyEvent2 write FMyEvent2;


These are technically different named types as far as the compiler is concerned, but from a developer's point of view, you don't need to create unique names for each type. Note that the use of the keyword overload

is unnecessary and is actually a syntax error when defining procedural types. overload

has a very specific meaning: ad hoc polymorphism. This is not true.

Note. If you are writing a component or control and want to make these published properties, your mileage may vary. The form designer has spotty generics support.



The different types must have different names, as the comment of user @ user246408 already says. Therefore, you will need to give each of these types a different name, for example:

  TInformationEvent = procedure(X: Integer) of object;
  TInformationEventS = procedure(X: Integer; Y: string) of object;
  TInformationEventSB = procedure(X: Integer; Y: string; Z: Boolean) of object;


Now you can assign any method (object procedure) with the appropriate signature to instances of one of these types. Thus, the methods you assign can be overloads, but types cannot be overloaded.



Procedural types of the method pointer type, as you have shown, are usually required for injecting event properties.

Overloading the event property type is not possible and will not be used since the event property is specifically designed to do one thing.

Subroutine overloading, on the other hand, can be useful because you need to choose between multiple functionality.

Otherwise it is said: The difference between an event handler and other routines is that with event handlers you have no control over the entry.

Can you explain this with a small example?

Yes I can. Here you have a class with three sequential properties, each with more functionality than the last. You, as a user, have the option to designate one or all of them.

  TTest = class(TObject)
    TInfoEvent1 = procedure(X: Integer) of object;
    TInfoEvent2 = procedure(X: Integer; Y: String) of object;
    TInfoEvent3 = procedure(X: Integer; Y: String; Z: Boolean) of object;
    FOnInfo1: TInfoEvent1;
    FOnInfo2: TInfoEvent2;
    FOnInfo3: TInfoEvent3;
    procedure DoInfo(X: Integer; Y: String; Z: Boolean);
    property OnInfo1: TInfoEvent1 read FOnInfo1 write FOnInfo1;
    property OnInfo2: TInfoEvent2 read FOnInfo2 write FOnInfo2;
    property OnInfo3: TInfoEvent3 read FOnInfo3 write FOnInfo3;

  TForm2 = class(TForm)
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    FTest: TTest;
    procedure Info(X: Integer); overload;
    procedure Info(X: Integer; Y: String; Z: Boolean); overload;


{$R *.dfm}

{ TTest }

procedure TTest.DoInfo(X: Integer; Y: String; Z: Boolean);
  if Assigned(FOnInfo3) then
    FOnInfo3(X, Y, Z)
  else if Assigned(FOnInfo2) then
    FOnInfo2(X, Y)
  else if Assigned(FOnInfo1) then

{ TForm2 }

procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  FTest := TTest.Create;
  FTest.OnInfo1 := Info;
  FTest.OnInfo3 := Info;




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