TYPO3 extbase & IRRE: add existing entries with 'foreign_selector'

I "kickstarted" an extension with the extbase extender that contains some 1: 1 and 1: n ratios. It automatically sets the field types to "inline" and displays a nice IRRE interface to the backend.

But by default it is not possible to select an existing entry, just create new ones.

enter image description here

I have found various explanations on how to achieve this with "foreign_selector", but they are all very sketchy. The function itself should work, see https://forge.typo3.org/issues/43239

Can anyone walk me through this or point me to a working example in TER? I could create a walkthrough from the example once I get it working.

PS TCA field config created with extension_builder


'myfield' => array(
    'exclude' => 1,
    'label' => 'LLL:EXT:myextension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_myextension_domain_model_myitem.myfield',
    'config' => array(
        'type' => 'inline',
        'foreign_table' => 'tx_myextension_domain_model_myfield',
        'foreign_field' => 'myitem',
        'maxitems'      => 9999,
        'appearance' => array(
            'collapseAll' => 0,
            'levelLinksPosition' => 'top',
            'showSynchronizationLink' => 1,
            'showPossibleLocalizationRecords' => 1,
            'showAllLocalizationLink' => 1



source to share

1 answer

The main problem is that 1: n type IRRE relationships work like this: a child record contains the uid of its parent. So your tx_myext_domain_model_city table contains the UID of your (imaginary) tx_myext_domain_model_address.

Therefore, with the default setting, you will not be able to select a city multiple times, since it can have exactly one parent.

Therefore, you will need to use a relationship table for this field. This table should contain a uid field for address (uid_address) and city (uid_city):

CREATE TABLE tx_irreforeignselectordemo_address_city_mm (

    uid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    pid int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    uid_address int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    uid_city int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    sorting int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (uid),
    KEY parent (pid)


And these fields need to have TCA config (while the table itself can be hidden):

return array(
    'ctrl'      => array(
        'title'     => 'Relation table',
        'hideTable' => TRUE,
        'sortby'    => 'sorting',
    'columns'   => array(
        'uid_address' => Array(
            'label'  => 'Address',
            'config' => Array(
                'type'          => 'select',
                'foreign_table' => 'tx_irreforeignselectordemo_domain_model_address',
                'size'          => 1,
                'minitems'      => 0,
                'maxitems'      => 1,
        'uid_city'   => Array(
            'label'  => 'City',
            'config' => Array(
                'type'                => 'select',
                'foreign_table'       => 'tx_irreforeignselectordemo_domain_model_city',
                'foreign_table_where' => ' AND sys_language_uid IN (0,-1)',
                'size'                => 1,
                'minitems'            => 0,
                'maxitems'            => 1,
    'types'     => array(
        '0' => array('showitem' => 'uid_address,uid_city')
    'palettes'  => array()


Then you can configure the TCA of your address to make the IRRE field:

'type' => 'inline',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_yourext_address_city_mm',
'foreign_field' => 'uid_address',
'foreign_label' => 'uid_city',
'foreign_selector' => 'uid_city',
'foreign_unique' => 'uid_city',
'foreign_sortby' => 'sorting',


Note what foreign_unique

TYPO3 tells you that a city can only be selected once.

And you need to define the attitude from the other side (from your TCA city):

    'addresses' => array(
        'exclude' => 1,
        'label'   => 'Addresses',
        'config'  => array(
            'type' => 'inline',
            'foreign_table' => 'tx_irreforeignselectordemo_address_city_mm',
            'foreign_field' => 'uid_city',
            'foreign_label' => 'uid_address',


Once your configuration is complete, you can use it in the backend.

Since this is a non-standard MM relationship, Extbase won't be able to handle it by default. But we can compare this with the sys_file_reference table that was introduced in TYPO3 6. So we create an Extbase model for CityRelation with the properties "address" and "city" and map this model to our mm table:

config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes {
    Visol\Irreforeignselectordemo\Domain\Model\CityRelation {
        mapping {
            tableName = tx_irreforeignselectordemo_address_city_mm
            columns {
                uid_address.mapOnProperty = address
                uid_city.mapOnProperty = city


Now in our address model, we define the city (or cities - you allow more than one choice) as an ObjectStorage of type CityRelation:

 * Cities
 * @var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage<\Visol\Irreforeignselectordemo\Domain\Model\CityRelation>
protected $cities = NULL;


We now have a "cities" property that contains links to all the selected cities. You can iterate over them and use them:

<f:for each="{address.cities}" as="cityRelation">


Since I couldn't find an all-in-one demo for this and was interested in the topic, I created a demo extension that does what I just described - based on Core and two extensions that deal with the topic: https://github.com/lorenzulrich/irreforeignselectordemo

Anyway, the solution is m: n (because 1: n won't work for the reasons stated above), so I decided to use "cities" instead of "cities". While this may not make sense for a city selection (as your post suggests), it may make sense for other possibilities. Feel free to replace "cities" with "city" and set maxItems in the inline configuration to one - then you have a 1: n view.



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