Python script won't work on keyboard

So, I have a lot of scripts that I run with keyboard shortcuts like loading screenshots and imgur and placing links on the clipboard, stuff to digitize graphs, etc.

I have a current script that only works with the terminal, not when I try to run it as a keyboard shortcut.

I am trying to run it through System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts

on Scientific linux 6.4


I have included the script below, in case there is something specific about this that would stop it from working.

import fileinput, os

import subprocess

from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer
import pygments.formatters as formatters

#stdin = "\n".join([line for line in fileinput.input()])

p = subprocess.Popen(["xclip", "-selection", "primary", "-o"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
code, err = p.communicate()

if not err:

  lexer = guess_lexer(code)


  imageformatter = formatters.ImageFormatter(linenos=True, cssclass="source", font_name="Liberation Mono")
  formatter = formatters.HtmlFormatter(linenos=True, cssclass="source")

  HTMLresult = highlight(code, lexer, formatter)
  Jpgresult = highlight(code, lexer, imageformatter, outfile=open("syntax.png", "w"))

  with open("syntax.html", "w") as f:

    f.write("<html><head><style media='screen' type='text/css'>")

#  os.system("pdflatex syntax.tex")

  os.system("firefox syntax.html")

  os.system(" syntax.png")

  print err


How does it work by selecting the clipboard selection with xclip

, using pygments

in text and then creating an html document and opening it in firefox and loading the image in imgur (using another script I have that I know 100% works), and then returning that image url to the clipboard.

The folder bin

it is in is in my path.

I've tried everything:

script (where this file is just a shell script which calls the python script)


as command

in keyboard preferences


If I only change the content of these scripts to something like notify-send "hello"

and then generate a notification, so I'm pretty sure this is a menu script issue, not keyboard shortcuts



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3 answers

I faced the same problem. This is how I fixed it:

First of all, I wrote a one-line shell script that looked something like python /home/user/Scripts/

, where "/home/user/Scripts/" was my Python location. I have put this shell script in the executable path.

Then when I went to make my shortcut, I didn't tell the computer to run the file. I told the computer to start a terminal and gave the shell a script as an argument for that terminal. In my case, it looks like this: xfce4-terminal -x


This works for me.



Possible problem: $ PATH is different between your interactive shell and the daemon or program environment that handles keyboard shortcuts.

Try right after "import os":

open("/tmp/debug.txt", "w").write(os.environ["PATH"])


Then launch it with a keyboard shortcut and see /tmp/debug.txt


-> Try absolute paths for binaries and if that doesn't help, consider jhutar's advice.



The problem is "with open (" syntax.html "," w ") as f:". When using keyboard shortcuts for script, use the full path to the files in the script.


with open("syntax.html", "w") as f:



with open("/home/user/my_script_folder/syntax.html", "w") as f:


Change all filenames in the script to full path and it should work.



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