Better (general) authentication

I currently have a method in mine BaseController

and in every controller method I need for the user to be authenticated. I stay to always call this piece of code:

user, err := c.getUser()
if err != nil {
        return c.Redirect(UserController.Login)


What exactly checks if

revel.InterceptMethod((*UserController).CheckUser, revel.BEFORE)


(in init.go) added a valid user to .RenderArgs["user"]


Anyway I can bring this redirect to the login page including. authentication in filter / intercept method so I don't have to repeat the above code 10 times? (I developed this code around revel v0.9 ~ 0.10)

One solution I came up with is to write a module / application similar to the new csrf module.

EDIT 4/11/2015: This question was posted a while ago, please take a look at the official Revel documentation as development


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1 answer

Just don't allow requests to your controllers unless authentication has been done. To do this, you need to implement Filter . This means something like


revel.Filters = []revel.Filter{
    SessionFilter, // Preferably a safe implementation that isn't plaintext cookies etc



package mypackage

func Authenticator(c *revel.Controller, fc []revel.Filter) {
 // If authentication found (from session), pass to next Filter in stack
 // If not, redirect to your authentication UI, and pass
 // Or handle other parts of authentication requests...
 // If authentication succeeded, save it to session

 // Otherwise just drop the request (probably log?)


The specifics depend entirely on what kind of authentication you are setting up. Below is the SSO implementation for your reference.



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