How to set conditional breakpoin based on parameter value using windbg

I want to set a conditional breakpoint based on a member of one parameter, Now I can use the dt command to test this parameter, My code looks like this:

void test(const MyClassB &inst, int value)


Now I can use the dt command to view the first parameter, the result is:

0:000:x86> dt MyClassB @esp+4
   +0x000 id               : (null) 
   +0x004 m                : 0n2130567168
   +0x008 myClassA         : MyClassA


Now I want to set a conditional breakpoint on this method based on the value of inst.m, can anyone show me how to do this? Thanks a bunch!

And appreciated if anyone could provide some information on how to use offset (e.g. + 0x004 for m), thanks!


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2 answers

Snippet Compiled with cl /Zi /nologo /W4 /analyze %1% /link /RELEASE

in msvC ++ 2010exp

 #include <stdio.h>
    class MyClass {
        int width,length;
        void set_val(int,int);
        int  area(); 
    void MyClass::set_val(int x , int y) {
        width  = x;
        length = y;
    int MyClass::area() {
        return width*length;
    void main(void) {  
        MyClass foo;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {


In windbg, set a conditional breakpoint on set_val () before break at width == 7

Conditional break syntax Explanation




using c++ expression evaluator


contains a this pointer

suitable type cast on MyClass *


is member of MyClass

we are using 6

for comparison purposes in this demo
how we set the method break point prior to execution of set_val()

(note uninitialized garbage

when printing the first time


transition from the state after displaying MyClass if width != 7

.else is implied

to break whenwidth == 7

the command must be on one line

bp classtest!MyClass::set_val    
".if( @@c++((((MyClass *) @ecx )->width)) != 6 ) {dt MyClass @ecx ; gc }"



0:000> bp classtest!MyClass::set_val ".if( @@c++((((MyClass *) @ecx )->width)) != 6 ) {dt MyClass @ecx ; gc }"
0:000> bl
 0 e 00401000     0001 (0001)  0:**** classtest!MyClass::set_val ".if( @@c++((((MyClass *) @ecx )->width)) != 6 ) {dt MyClass @ecx ; gc }"
0:000> g
ModLoad: 5cb70000 5cb96000   C:\WINDOWS\system32\ShimEng.dll
   +0x000 width            : 0n4205541
   +0x004 length           : 0n4208683
   +0x000 width            : 0n0
   +0x004 length           : 0n5
   +0x000 width            : 0n1
   +0x004 length           : 0n5
   +0x000 width            : 0n2
   +0x004 length           : 0n5
   +0x000 width            : 0n3
   +0x004 length           : 0n5
   +0x000 width            : 0n4
   +0x004 length           : 0n5
   +0x000 width            : 0n5
   +0x004 length           : 0n5
eax=00000007 ebx=7ffdf000 ecx=0013ff70 edx=00416680 esi=00000000 edi=0098f6ee
eip=00401000 esp=0013ff60 ebp=0013ff78 iopl=0         nv up ei ng nz ac po cy
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00000293
00401000 55              push    ebp
0:000> dd esp l3
0013ff60  0040106c 00000007 00000005
0:000> x @eip
0:000> ?? @eip
unsigned int 0x401000
0:000> lsa . 0,1
>    8: void MyClass::set_val(int x , int y) {
0:000> dv
           this = 0xfffffffe
              x = 0n7
              y = 0n5




You can use the windbg pykd extension ( . It is easy to create a status checkpoint with it.

  • (recommended version)

    S>! Pycmd
    dbgee = module ("dbgee")
    bp = setBp (dbgee.test, lambda bpId: getParams () [0] .m == 2130567168)
    quit smoking ()
    kd> g

  • (developer version)

You can put the code in a file and run it with the command:! py --global

Version 0.2.x can also run scripts, but it runs it in an isolated environment, and after exiting, all objects (including breakpoints) will be destroyed. So version 0.3.x has the ability to run the script in a "global" environment (all global objects live until pykd is loaded)



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