Using Kafka to Import Data into Hadoop

First, I thought I should use Kafka or Flume to get events in Hadoop where they will be stored and analyzed periodically (perhaps using Ooozie to schedule periodic analysis) Kafka or Flume, and decided that Kafka is probably better solution, since we also have a component that handles events, so this way both packet and event handling components receive data in the same way.

But know that I am looking for specific suggestions on how to get data from a broker into Hadoop.

I found here that Flume can be used in conjunction with Kafka

  • Flume - Contains the source of Kafka (consumer) and sink (producer).

And also found on the same page and in the Kafka documentation that there is something called Camus

  • Camus - LinkedIn Kafka => HDFS pipeline. This one is used for all data on LinkedIn and works great.

I'm wondering what would be a better (and simpler, better documented solution) to do this? Also, are there any examples or tutorials on how to do this?

When should I use this option for a simpler high level user?

I open suggestions if there is another / better solution than two.



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2 answers

You can use flume to transfer data from Kafka to HDFS. The stream has a source and a kafka shell. It's a matter of modifying the properties file. An example is shown below.


  • Create a kafka theme
    kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 -- partitions 1 --topic testkafka

  • Subscribe to the above theme using the kafka console producer kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic testkafka

  • Configure the flume agent with the following properties

flume1.sources = kafka-source-1
flume1.channels = hdfs-channel-1
flume1.sinks = hdfs-sink-1
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.type = org.apache.flume.source.kafka.KafkaSource
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.zookeeperConnect = localhost: 2181
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.topic = testkafka
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1.batchSize = 100
flume1.sources.kafka-source-1 .channels = hdfs-channel-1

flume1.channels.hdfs-channel-1.type = memory = hdfs-channel-1
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.type = hdfs
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink -1.hdfs.writeFormat = Text
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.hdfs.fileType = DataStream
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.hdfs.filePrefix = test events
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.hdfs .useLocalTimeStamp = true
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink-1.hdfs.path = / tmp / kafka /% {topic} /% y-% m-% d
flume1.sinks.hdfs-sink 1.hdfs.rollCount = 100
flume1.sinks.hdfs-shell 1.hdfs.rollSize = 0
flume1.channels.hdfs-channel-1.capacity = 10000
flume1.channels.hdfs-channel-1.transactionCapacity = 1000

Save the above config file as example.conf

  1. Run the feeder flume-ng agent -n flume1 -c conf -f example.conf - Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console

The data will now be deleted to the HDFS location by the following path

/ Tmp / kafka /% {theme} /% Y-% m-% d



Most of the time I see people using Camus with azkaban

You can in the Mate1 github registry for their Camus implementation. This is not a tutorial, but I think it might help you.



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