How to bind DependencyProperty without using MVVM

Well, I am doing a small project and I found that there is no need to implement full MVVM.

I am trying to bind some properties in the code behind, but cannot get it to work.

The point is that the use of DependencyProperties and Binding in the code is behind.

I tried to follow these links and questions on SO:

Bind binding property in codebehind WPF

How to create a binding in code

Bind binding property defined in Code-Behind via Xaml for property in DataContext UserControl

But they are related to MVVM or at least I cannot adapt the code in my case.

The example should be very simple.


<Label Name="_lblCurrentPath"
        Style="{StaticResource CustomPathLabel}"
        ToolTip="{Binding CurrentPath}"
        Content="{Binding CurrentPath, Mode=TwoWay,



public MainWindow()

#region Properties

public static readonly DependencyProperty CurrentPathProperty =
    DependencyProperty.Register("CurrentPath", typeof(String), typeof(MainWindow), new PropertyMetadata(String.Empty, OnCurrentPathChanged));

public string CurrentPath
    get { return (String)GetValue(CurrentPathProperty); }
    set { SetValue(CurrentPathProperty, value); }


#region Bindings

private void SetBindings()
    // Label CurrentPath binding
    Binding _currentPath = new Binding("CurrentPath");
    _currentPath.Source = CurrentPath;
    this._lblCurrentPath.SetBinding(Label.ContentProperty, _currentPath);


#region Methods

private void Refresh()

private string Search()
    WinForms.FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new WinForms.FolderBrowserDialog();

    WinForms.DialogResult _dResult = dialog.ShowDialog();

        case WinForms.DialogResult.OK:
            CurrentPath = dialog.SelectedPath;

    return CurrentPath;


#region Events

private static void OnCurrentPathChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    MainWindow instance = d as MainWindow;

public void OpenSearchEclipsePath(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    CurrentPath = Search();

public void RefreshEclipsePath(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


Any idea?

.If this is bad practice and I have to use MVVM comments, please from ours.

... Also ... Associated with a property Command

. In this case, when I don't want to use the MVVM approach, is it better to log events? I found using custom command bindings a little tedious.


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1 answer

First, you can fully use bindings without MVVM. I wouldn't recommend it as the code is much cleaner when using MVVM, but it can be done. All you have to do is put this line in your constructor:

this.DataContext = this;


Now your gaze is also your viewing model! As I said, this is not a good idea.

Now your code has DependencyProperty

in your class MainWindow

. Don't do this . This is not practical. DP so that parent controls can bind to them. MainWindow

has no parent; therefore DP is useless.

All you have to do is set up a regular property:

public string CurrentPath
    get { return currentPath; }
         currentPath = value;


And then MainWindow

implement INotifyPropertyChanged

(did I mention that it makes sense to use a simple view model?).

To answer your question Command

. Yes, if you are against using commands, just register for the events. However, Command

is a really good way to get user clicks into the view model without breaking MVVM. The syntax isn't so bad. If you go for "View as a View Model" anyway, Command

don't buy you much.



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