How do I get a list of all EBS snapshots "started" before a specific date?

I am writing a Python program to get a list of all EBS snapshots in our account (owner = self) that were "started" (mostly created) before a certain date, and then do some other things on that list.

I don't think I can use filters in the get_all_snapshots () function because it only supports equalities, not GT / LT operators. I believe AWS boto Get snapshots in time period confirms this.

So, I assumed I should get a list of all of them and then iterate over the list. However, the boto documentation is not clear to me ( ) exactly which methods / properties are available for the snapshot object.

Any guidance here?


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1 answer

Get the connection:

conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region("us-east-1")


Get pictures:

snaps = conn.get_all_snapshots(owner="self")


Go to the list and look at the attribute start_time


Use dir(snaps[0])

to view all available attributes and find other items you need.



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