How can I configure the .wxs file to detect the latest version of IE when writing to the FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION RegistryKey file?

I have a .wxs file with a component

     <RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION">
          <RegistryValue Type="integer" Name="SDLTradosStudio.exe" Value="9999" KeyPath="yes"/>


I know that end users will be using Windows 7 and will most likely have at least IE 9 installed on the computer. But I really would like to set the value to the latest version of IE installed on the user's computer. I am using WiX editing tool to create .msi. How to determine the latest version of IE installed on a user's computer?


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1 answer

The IE version is stored in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ svcVersion

Use the following code to get the registry key value for a property

<Property Id="IEVERSION">
    <RegistrySearch Id="IEVer"
                    Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer"
                    Type="raw" />


Once you have the IE version in the property, you can use a condition to test it.


<![CDATA[IEVersion >= 9]]>




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