Can I use Spring Boot Starters for dependency management only?

Well I saw the IO W760 framework for versioning my dependencies, then I went into sources, as far as I can see it uses Spring Boot POM under the hoods. So after doing this, I was wondering if I could use starters since this is just a POM to shorten the dependency declaration?


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1 answer

Yes, you can use starters.

Because I just want the pom, not autoconfiguration from Boot
Then don't use @EnableAutoConfiguration

, see JavaDoc and Reference .

Because I just want priests, not an embedded servlet container Then don't use a starter spring-boot-starter-web

, see the Starter POMs list .

If you want Spring MVC you need to declare a dependency or use spring-boot-starter-web

but without Tomcat see for example spring boot war without embedded tomcat



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