How do I make Chef wait for application deployment before moving files?

I have the following chef's recipe

aws_s3_file "/usr/share/tomcat/webapps/system.war" do
  bucket "mybucket"
  remote_path "builds/system_latest.war"
  aws_access_key_id node[:aws_access_key_id]
  aws_secret_access_key node[:aws_secret_access_key]

service "tomcat" do
  action [:restart]

aws_s3_file "/usr/share/tomcat/webapps/system/WEB-INF/" do
  bucket "mybucket"
  remote_path "config/"
  aws_access_key_id node[:aws_access_key_id]
  aws_secret_access_key node[:aws_secret_access_key]


It works fine every time I start it, except the machine is new.

When this is a new car I get:

Errno :: ENOENT ------------- No such file or directory - / usr / share / tomcat / webapps / system / WEB-INF /

I think this is because tomcat is not running when the application is deployed, so the folder does not exist when this statement is run.

I am assuming that moving files around the application during deployment is a common procedure. How can I do this and ensure that the boss waits until the deployment is complete?


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1 answer

Write some code (maybe in Ruby or Bash) to ask if Tomcat is done when you put it in a while loop.

ruby_block 'wait for tomcat' do
  block do
    true until ::File.exists?('/usr/share/tomcat/webapps/system/WEB-INF')




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