Apple distribution certificate calls 14094410: SSL routines: SSL3_READ_BYTES: sslv3 assertion call failed

I created an iPhone app that supports notifications by following this guide by Ali Hafizi

On startup, the following error appears: 14094410: SSL procedures:

SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure


itunes shows resource allocation:

Enabled Services: Game Center, In-App Purchase, Push Notifications
Expires:Sep 15, 2015


I have uploaded the pem file to the server and named it like this:

    theCertfile ='./CK_production.pem'
    theHost = ( '', 2195 )
    ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket( socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ), certfile = theCertfile )
    ssl_sock.connect( theHost )
    ssl_sock.write( theNotification )


I understand that Apple has stopped using SSL 3.0 to send push notifications and we need to use TSL and there is no example in the Apple documentation, can anyone point me to a tutorial for Python / Django? (just to be clear, I did google for the tutorial but didn't find it)


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2 answers

The reason is that Apple stopped using SSL 3.0 for sending push notifications.

Why? In the news, published in late September 2014, it is said that it is no longer protected. Read Apple's note

For more information you can use the "BEAST attack" for Google.

Now? Your service must use TLS. Here is the Apple documentation



I had the same problem, it turned out that I was running a script using a PHP command on my Mac terminal. Copied the files to my server and now it works.



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