Onchange dropdown sets max value dynamically yii CMultiFileUpload

   echo $form->dropDownList($model,'ment_id', $mentslists,
        'prompt'=>'Select ment',
     echo $form->error($model,'ment_id'); 


Onchange dropdownlist I want to set maximum value for CMultiFileUpload.

my code is CMultiFileUpload,

$this->widget('CMultiFileUpload', array(
           'name' => 'data1',
           'attribute' => 'image',
           'accept' => 'doc|docx|pdf|txt|jpeg|jpg|png',
            'max' => 10,
            'duplicate' => 'file appears twice',
            'remove' => Yii::t('ui', 'Remove'),


I tried onchange dropdown to get max allowed size value from database how to apply value to max .

my jquery code is there,

     type: "POST",
     url: "/ments/default/GetmentDetails",
     data: {'ment_id':$(this).val()},
     success: function(data){
         //data having the max upload value               


my controller code,

public function actionGetmentDetails()
        $id = $_POST['ment_id'];
        $assign_details = Ments::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('id'=>$id));
        echo $assign_details[0]['c_max_upload_files'];


how to set max value dynamically based on change of dropdown,


source to share

1 answer

A bit vague at what point you get stuck, here is the back and forth in javacript / jquery.


  // Get max value before the ajax call 
  var maxValue = undefined;
  $('option', $(this)).each(function() {
        var val = $(this).attr('value');
        val = parseInt(val, 10);
        if (maxValue === undefined || maxValue < val) {
            maxValue = val;

     type: "POST",
     url: "/ments/default/GetmentDetails",
     data: {'ment_id':$(this).val()},
     success: function(data){
         //setting the retrieved max value by ajax response value  


If you want this posted value in php and be passed to this widget code, it is more of a question to call this widget method as you already have the $ _POST value.



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