Getting a vector of n-sized digits - only from a numeric value in R

I am trying to write a function that returns a vector of numbers representing the n decimal digits of the provided x number. And this is the code I have written so far:

decdig <- function(x, n){
   head ( lapply(strsplit( as.character(x) , ""), as.numeric) , n)


So the instruction:

decdig (pi, 10L)


 [1]  3 NA  1  4  1  5  9  2  6  5  3  5  8  9  7  9


But it should be:

3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3


This means it must produce a numeric vector without rounding.

I'm having a problem getting rid of the NA values ​​sitting there because of the comma. I try to make it as elegant as possible without using flow control mechanisms.

Any ideas are appreciated.


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1 answer

Here's one way to do it:

decdig <- function(x, n) {
  z <- sub('\\D', '', 
           sprintf(paste0('%.', n - nchar(abs(floor(x))) + 2, 'f'), x))
  head((strsplit(z, '')[[1]]), n)

decdig(pi, 10L)
# [1] 3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3


We calculate the number of decimal places needed (if any) by subtracting the number of leading digits from n

, then passing that to sprtinf

to force it x

into a character with that many decimal places. We then output non-digit characters (which should only include ,

or .

, depending on the language). Then we separate each character and force them to numeric




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