Disable scrolling on the previous page on Windows Phone

I am trying to use http://wipetouch.codeplex.com/ to implement scrolling in Meteor app to switch between templates in Iron Router.

It works fine on iOS and Android, but on Windows Phone, the OS hard drive hard drive (scrolling right in the browser moves one page in history) interferes with user actions.

Can I turn this off?

Also, what other platforms have similar features that will prevent the user from effectively working in a web application?

As an example, this application also uses the same library to implement drag gestures.

Note. Using touch action: None of the body tags work.


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1 answer

I ran into the same problem in a small web application: it was a scratching game in which the player had to wipe their finger across the entire "scratched" area to see what they won.

The game was supposed to run on Windows 8.1 tablets running IE10.

We added this snippet to css:

    touch-action: none;


The result is a complete deactivation of any touch events in the application (including scrolling back / forward).

But we only had to re-activate the touch event in the scratch area to allow the player to play :)

To do this, we had to add this:

    touch-action: chained;


The app still works great on both IE10 tablets and Windows Phone 8.1.

(I beg your pardon my English, this is not my native language)

EDIT: After testing more on IE, it seems that adding touch-action:none;

to the html element is enough to achieve the OP's desired.



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