Jena: Property Paths in Query Programming

I am trying to use the API that Jena offers to program SPARQL queries. To keep it simple, I would like something like:

  ?typ rdfs:subClassOf+ myns:SomeType .


The problem is with rdfs: subClassOf + which uses property paths. I am trying to build a query like this:

    query = new Query();
    ElementTriplesBlock triplePattern = new ElementTriplesBlock();
    Node typ = NodeFactory.createVariable("typ");
    Node sometype = ...; // Assume OK

    triplePattern.addTriple(new Triple(typ, 
            ResourceFactory.createProperty(RDFS.subClassOf.getURI() + "+").asNode(),


If I didn't have a property path, that is, in SPARQL it only said rdfs: subClassOf , I could go with:

    triplePattern.addTriple(new Triple(typ, 


What works. However, I am unable to specify the path modifier in the URI to create the property, as I am getting:

Caused by: com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.InvalidPropertyURIException:
  at com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.PropertyImpl.checkLocalName(
  at com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.PropertyImpl.<init>(
  at com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory$Impl.createProperty(
  at com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory.createProperty(
  ... (test class)


So the question is, how can I specify such a request to Jena via the Java API. I know I can make a request from a string with property path syntax, but not when creating the request programmatically.


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1 answer

I guess I found it after doing a bit of tinkering.

First, you need to use ElementPathBlock if the WHERE {...} part will use any paths, since trying to add a path to the ElementTripleBlock will throw an exception. Then, instead of adding a triplet, you can add a TriplePath. Code:

    ElementPathBlock triplePattern = new ElementPathBlock();
    Node typ = NodeFactory.createVariable("typ");
    Node sometype = ...; // Assume OK
    // This represents rdfs:subClassOf+
    Path pathSubClassOfPlus = PathFactory.pathOneOrMore1(
    // This represents the SPARQL: ?typ rdfs:subClassOf+ sometype .
    TriplePath subClassOfPlus = new TriplePath(typ, pathSubClassOfPlus, sometype)
    // ... One can also add regular Triple instances afterwards




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