Change Android Status Bar Color Without App

I just figured out that changing the color of the status bar using appcompat is not possible in Android versions below Lollipop. I am currently running Android Kitkat 4.4.2 and got an update for the app, here is a screenshot

enter image description here

My question is, how did they manage to change the status bar color without using appcompat on a device with a lower version than Lollipop?

How can you change the color?


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2 answers

Changing the status bar color in pre-Lollipop (5.0) is not possible by setting colorPrimaryDark.

On older platforms, AppCompat emulates color themes where possible. For the moment this is limited to coloring the action bar and some widgets.

See this

Also see this



I used this library to change status bar color in my application. This caused complications for me, so check your UI carefully before submitting from it, but it does the job for KitKat. As far as I know, it is not possible to change the color of the system bar before OS 19.



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