C Objective C fragmentation library crash at [PFInternalUtils installationId]

I am running the latest IOS Objective C SDK from Parse.com, version 1.4.2 I am getting frequent crashes on fresh install with the following reverse net. This happens in the simulator, on my debug device, and on the release / release version of my app.

Thread 2 Crashed:
1   libobjc.A.dylib objc_msgSend + 6
2   Foundation  -[NSString getExternalRepresentation:extendedAttributes:forWritingToURLOrPath:usingEncoding:error:] + 312
3   Foundation  writeStringToURLOrPath + 44
4   Foundation  -[NSString writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error:] + 22
5   Aftermath   +[PFInternalUtils installationId] (PFInternalUtils.m:308)
6   Aftermath   +[PFNetworkCommandRunner createRequest:] (PFNetworkCommandRunner.m:62)
7   Aftermath   +[PFNetworkCommandRunner runCommandAsync:inOperation:] (PFNetworkCommandRunner.m:133)
8   Aftermath   +[PFRetryingCommandRunner runCommandAsync:inOperation:attemptsMade:delay:] (PFRetryingCommandRunner.m:42)
9   Aftermath   +[PFRetryingCommandRunner runCommandAsync:inOperation:] (PFRetryingCommandRunner.m:35)
10  Aftermath   +[PFCachedCommandRunner runCommandAsync:inOperation:cachePolicy:maxCacheAge:] (PFCachedCommandRunner.m:83)
11  Aftermath   __64-[PFQuery findAsyncWithCachePolicy:conditions:limit:skip:after:]_block_invoke (PFQuery.m:1292)
12  Aftermath   __48-[BFTask continueWithExecutor:withSuccessBlock:]_block_invoke (BFTask.m:335)
13  Aftermath   __41-[BFTask continueWithExecutor:withBlock:]_block_invoke_2 (BFTask.m:287)



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1 answer

Apparently there was a bug in SDK 1.4.2. The current version (at the time of this writing) is 1.7.5, which fixed this issue.

You can update the SDK by downloading the package from https://parse.com/docs/downloads or via Cocoapods: https://cocoapods.org/pods/Parse



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