Show events in fullcalendar.js shift (morning, afternoon, evening, night) to view basicDay and view basicWeek

I have many events every day. Is there a way to separate these events into horizontally related categories? Can I add an additional flag (or class: morning, afternoon, evening, night) along with "title:" and "start:" so that events are organized in the appropriate horizontal shifts on the same day? I used

start: new Date(y,m,d,h,i),


to show different events on the same day.

Then I could limit to only 5 events per shift using eventLimit. postscript I only use basicDay and basicWeek.


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2 answers

You can add the className parameter to the youe event object. And another class with color, checking the time of the event.


var eventClass = '';

if (event.start > night && event.start < day) {
  var eventClass = 'morningClass';
} else if (event.start > morning &&  event.start <  evening) {
  var eventClass = 'dayClass';
} else if (event.start > day &&  event.start <  night) {
  var eventClass = 'eveningClass';
} else if (event.start > evening &&  event.start <  morning) {
  var eventClass = 'nightClass';



start: new Date(y,m,d,h,i),
className: eventClass


and based on countName count (using clientEvents (method) ) you can limit 5 events per shift.



As I understand your requirement, you need to use the resource view feature in the calendar. Here is a post on resource view



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