ASP.NET MVC Missing default action for only one controller
I don't know what happened to my site. As of today, the default "Index" action in only one controller no longer works. If I call I get a 403 error page because the webserver is not redirecting my request and trying to view the folder. If I write everything works. I search all over the code, but I can't find the problem, everything seems to be fine, just like other controllers.
How can I find the problem? Do you know if there is a known issue causing this issue, or do you know if there is a trace \ log \ routing request debugger?
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Most likely the problem is that you have a folder named Score in your root website . This is why the rating index action does not work. Instead of routing to the Controller action, the URL is routed to the Score folder .
Either remove that Score folder from your root or rename it, then this url will work.
Also check if the ValuationController object has a public method ActionResult Index () ([HttpGet].
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Check file ~ \ App_Start \ RouteConfig.cs
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional}
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