Why should you avoid using "is" and "is not"?

I just started with Python, and my online professor recommended using is

and is not

only when comparing the value with True

, False

or None

(or at least that's how I understood what he was saying.)

Now in my mind I equate is

to JavaScript ===

, and is not

with JavaScript "!=="

, and I believe that as a best practice is to use ===

and !==

how often you can avoid forced conversion types.

Firstly, if we want to use is not true is

, and is not

as much as ===

, and !==

in JavaScript, and if so, why?


source to share

3 answers

Python is

and operators ==

do two different things. You cannot compare is

to JS either ===


Simply, it ==

checks if two identifiers are equal, but is

checks if two identifiers have the same memory address, therefore "each other"; how they behave sounds the same:

#0 equals None, so returns True
0 == None

#But it isn't None, hence returns False
0 is None

#However, 0 is 0, so returns True
0 is 0





is singleton, so you can compare the identity ( is

/ is not

) object instead of equality ( ==

/ !=

) - whenever you access None

, you get the same object.

For almost all other cases, you should use equality (see, for example, Why does string comparison in Python using "==" or "is" sometimes lead to different results? ). In terms of "avoid forced type conversion" - Python is strongly typed and will never convert implicitly. Also, you cannot "distinguish" a type in Python - conversion, for example. a int

to str

creates a new separate object.

This is especially important as it is None

often used to avoid flagging a return β€” if False

either 0

or []

or anything else that evaluates False

-y, it is a valid return evaluating "truth" that will give false results.

def yes_or_no(s):
    """Convert 'yes' or 'no' to boolean, or implicitly return None."""
    if s.lower() == "yes":
        return True
    elif s.lower() == "no":
        return False

result = some_func("foo")

if result: # wrong, covers None and False

if result is not None: # right, covers None only


Per style guide :

Comparison with singlons of a type None

should always be done using is

or is not

, never-executed equality operators.

Also, beware of writing if x

if you really mean if x is not None

- eg. when checking if a variable or an argument was, the default for is None

set to some other value. Another value could be of a type (eg container), which could be false in a boolean context!

Note that you do n't usually compare True

or False

. Again, from the style guide:

Do not compare boolean values ​​with True

or False

with ==


Yes:   if greeting:
No:    if greeting == True:
Worse: if greeting is True:


See also: Using True, False and None as return values ​​in python functions



We shouldn't use is

and is not

to compare values ​​other than True

, False

and None

probably because of the following strange results:

>>> 20 is 19+1
>>> 19+1 is 20
>>> 1999+1 is 2000
>>> -0 is 0
>>> -0.0 is 0.0
>>> -0.0 is not 0.0
>>> 1999+1 is not 2000
>>> -0.0 == 0.0
>>> 1999+1 == 2000
>>> 1999+1 != 2000
>>> -0.0 != 0.0




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