Map struct as type (which can be null)

I have struct

one that wraps decimal

so I can use EditorTemplates, have a security type, expand in the future to add Currency

, etc. etc.:

public struct Price
    private readonly decimal value;

    public Price(decimal value)
        this.value = value;

    public static implicit operator Price(decimal value)
        return new Price(value);

    public static explicit operator decimal(Price price)
        return price.value;


This is then used in many types that are rendered using Fluent NHibernate, for example:

public class SomeEntity
    public virtual int Id { get; protected set; }
    public virtual Price SomePrice { get; set; }
    public virtual Price? NullablePrice { get; set; }


How can I tell FNH that when I do

public SomeEntityMap()
    this.Id(x => x.Id);
    this.Map(x => x.SomePrice);
    this.Map(x => x.NullablePrice);


that it should just be treated as decimal

and Nullable<decimal>


Preferably it would be without the need to edit every mapping, so I'd rather not use IUserType

it as it requires (I think) placing it everywhere

this.Map(x => x.SomePrice).CustomType<PriceType>();
this.Map(x => x.NullablePrice).CustomType<NullablePriceType>();



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1 answer

What you want can be achieved via Components in the same way as the following code snippet :

 Component(x => x.Price, m =>
m.Map(money => money.Amount, "Price_Amount");
m.Map(money => money.CurrencyCode, "Price_CurrencyCode");


Components are an ideal method for mapping normalized data to a reusable object.



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