Std :: thread - reading from file line by line

I would like to read in parallel line by line from an output file. Each thread reads one line, then processes the data. At the same time, the next thread should read the next line.

std::ifstream infile("test.txt");
std::mutex mtx;

void read(int id_thread){
     std::string sLine;
     getline(infile, sLine);
     std::cout << "Read by thread: " << id_thread;
     std::cout << sLine << std::endl;

void main(){
  std::vector<std::thread> threads;
  for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){
     threads.push_back(std::thread(parallelFun, i));

  for(auto& thread : threads){
  return 0;


When I run this code, I get this: The first line reads all lines. How can I make it so that each thread reads one line?

enter image description here


As mentioned in the comments, all I had to do was a larger test file. Thanks guys!


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3 answers

I would change the loop to

     std::string sLine;
     getline(infile, sLine);
     std::cout << "Read by thread: " << id_thread;
     std::cout << sLine << std::endl;


Your std :: cout stuff is the busy part of your test loop that you want to exchange for real code later. This gives a different time to enter. Also, make the test file large . It is not uncommon that the initialization of a thread takes some time, during which the first thread consumes all the data.



If you want your 5 threads to read exactly every fifth line, you must synchronize the reads, so each thread must know that the previous one has finished reading its part. This requirement potentially imposes huge inefficiency, as some threads can wait a long time for the previous one to execute.

Conceptual code, untested use at your own risk.

Let's first make a default class for handling atomic locks. We align it to avoid false swaps and associated ping pong caching.

constexpr size_t CACHELINESIZE = 64; // could differ on your architecture
template<class dType>
class alignas(CACHELINESIZE) lockstep {
  std::atomic<dType> lock = dType(0);

  // spinlock spins until the previous value is prev and then tries to set lock to value
  // until success, restart the spin if prev changes.
  dType Spinlock(dType prev = dType(0), dType next = dType(1)) {
     dType expected = prev;
     while (!lock.compare_exchange_weak(expected, next)) { // request for locked-exclusiv ~100 cycles?
       expected = prev;  // we wish to continue to wait for expected
       do {
         pause(); // on intel waits roughly one L2 latency time.
       } while(lock.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != prev);  // only one cache miss per change
     return expected;

  void store(dType value) {;

lockstep<int> lock { 0 };

constexpr int NoThreads = 5;

std::ifstream infile("test.txt");

void read(int id_thread) {
   locks[id_thread].lock = id_thread;
   bool izNoGood = false;
   int next = id_thread;

     // get lock for next iteration
     lock.spinlock(next, next); // wait on our number

     // moved file check into locked region     
     izNoGood = !infile.good();
     if (izNoGood) {; // release next thread to end run.

     std::string sLine;
     getline(infile, sLine);

     // release next thread;

     // do work asynchronous
     // ...

     // debug log, hopefully the whole line gets written in one go (atomic)
     // but can be in "random" order relative to other lines.
     std::cout << "Read by thread: " << id_thread << " line no. " << next
               << " text:" << sLine << std::endl;  // endl flushes cout, implicit sync?
     next += NoThreads;  // our next expected line to process

void main() {
  std::vector<std::thread> threads;
  for(int i = 0; i < NoThreads; i++) {
     threads.push_back(std::thread(parallelFun, i));

  for(auto& thread : threads){
  return 0;




Just in case, if you want each thread to read one line (which is obvious from your description), remove the while loop, and then you need to make sure you have as many threads as there are lines in the file.

To get rid of the above limitation, you can use boost threadpool.



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