Performing Rcpp Quantization
1 answer
I'm not an expert Rcpp
and my function probably needs a lot of improvement, but it seems that you can easily create your own Rcpp quantization function (which will not be as accurate on small vectors due to the high skew probability and indexing problem on non-integer indices , but improves as the vector grows)
library(Rcpp) # You can use sourceCpp() instead of cppFunction if you wish
cppFunction('NumericVector Cquantile(NumericVector x, NumericVector q) {
NumericVector y = clone(x);
std::sort(y.begin(), y.end());
return y[x.size()*(q - 0.000000001)];
Vector testing
y <- rnorm(1000)
qs <- seq(0, 100, 25)/100
quantile(y, qs)
# 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
# -2.809774679 -0.628324243 0.009209639 0.664601867 3.241039935
setNames(Cquantile(y, qs), paste0(qs * 100, "%"))
# 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
# -2.80977468 -0.62957874 0.00729009 0.66441586 3.24103993
Looks close enough. So the 95% quantile for our vector y
will be
Cquantile(y, .95)
## [1] 1.675697
There are also some sugar quantization functions for known distributions like normal, gamma, etc. that can be used instead, see here for some Examples.
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