ERROR ITMS-9000: "This package is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only the .app package and optional

I have already read a lot about the "ERROR ITMS-9000" error on StackOverFlow.

But I don't need a bug.

I am using both Xcode Version 6.1 (6A1052d) and Application Loader Version 2.9.1 (441)

ITMS-9000 ERROR: "This package is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named" Payload "containing only the .app package and additional plugins in the plugins directory."

Could you please give me some ideas about this error?



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2 answers

Already answered elsewhere, you need to add a key:

"LSRequiresIPhoneOS" as BOOL with YES for your target.

Otherwise it looks like you are building for OS X.



I have this error message (XCode 7.3) because I changed the Executable field in the info.plist file.

It must be $ (EXECUTABLE_NAME) for Apple to find the application file correctly.



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