Odd type behavior

When working with an MD simulation, I need to enforce periodic boundary conditions at the particle positions. The easiest way to use mod(particle position, box dimension)

. Since I work in 3D space, I created a 3D vector type:

immutable Vec3


And the mod function:

f1(a::Vec3, b::Vec3) = Vec3(mod(a.x, b.x), mod(a.y, b.y), mod(a.z, b.z))


However, when using this, it fails:

julia> a = Vec3(11,-2,5)

julia> b = Vec3(10,10,10)

julia> f1(a,b)


If I just returned a tuple it works fine:

f2(a::Vec3, b::Vec3) = mod(a.x,b.x), mod(a.y,b.y), mod(a.z,b.z)

julia> f2(a,b)


As a test, to see if the mod in the type constructor doesn't like it, I tried a more verbose method:

function f3(a::Vec3, b::Vec3)
    x = mod(a.x,b.x)
    y = mod(a.y,b.y)
    z = mod(a.z,b.z)
    return Vec3(x,y,z)

julia> f3(a,b)


And then, a version that prints intermediate products:

function f4(a::Vec3, b::Vec3)
    x = mod(a.x,b.x)
    y = mod(a.y,b.y)
    z = mod(a.z,b.z)
    println(x, " ", y, " ", z)
    return Vec3(x,y,z)

julia> f4(a,b)
1.0 8.0 5.0


Which for some reason now works. I've tried this on multiple computers, each with the same result. If someone could shed some light on this, I would be very grateful. Julia's version:Version 0.3.2 (2014-10-21 20:18 UTC)


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1 answer

What works and what doesn't

I think it might be a bug, maybe even an LLVM bug. I was able to reproduce your bug on version 0.3.0, but not on version 0.4. Like you, I also got the correct results by inserting a print statement in the middle.

Also, I found that the simpler

f1(a::Vec3, b::Vec3) = Vec3(mod(a.x,b.x),mod(a.y,b.y),1)

julia> f1(a,b)


And more complex

julia> f1(a::Vec3, b::Vec3) = Vec3(mod(a.x,b.x),mod(a.y,b.y),mod(a.z,b.z) + 1)
f1 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f1(a,b)


both work but next

julia> f1(a::Vec3, b::Vec3) = Vec3(mod(a.x,b.x),mod(a.y,b.y),mod(a.z,b.z))
f1 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f1(a,b)



The LLVM source also looks correct. The different parts of each Vec3 mod input argument are loaded using the arguments (fadd, frem, fadd), and then the results are saved as the result.

julia> code_llvm(f1,(Vec3,Vec3))

define %Vec3 @"julia_f1;20242"(%Vec3, %Vec3) {
  %2 = extractvalue %Vec3 %1, 0, !dbg !1733
  %3 = extractvalue %Vec3 %1, 1, !dbg !1733
  %4 = extractvalue %Vec3 %1, 2, !dbg !1733
  %5 = extractvalue %Vec3 %0, 0, !dbg !1733
  %6 = frem float %5, %2, !dbg !1733
  %7 = fadd float %2, %6, !dbg !1733
  %8 = frem float %7, %2, !dbg !1733
  %9 = insertvalue %Vec3 undef, float %8, 0, !dbg !1733
  %10 = extractvalue %Vec3 %0, 1, !dbg !1733
  %11 = frem float %10, %3, !dbg !1733
  %12 = fadd float %3, %11, !dbg !1733
  %13 = frem float %12, %3, !dbg !1733
  %14 = insertvalue %Vec3 %9, float %13, 1, !dbg !1733
  %15 = extractvalue %Vec3 %0, 2, !dbg !1733
  %16 = frem float %15, %4, !dbg !1733
  %17 = fadd float %4, %16, !dbg !1733
  %18 = frem float %17, %4, !dbg !1733
  %19 = insertvalue %Vec3 %14, float %18, 2, !dbg !1733, !julia_type !1734
  ret %Vec3 %19, !dbg !1733


Internal code error?

But native instructions do not look correct, XMM2 is moved to XMM0 , and later XMM0 is used as addss operand , but XMM2 does not appear to be initialized.

julia> code_native(f1,(Vec3,Vec3))
    .section    __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
Filename: none
Source line: 1
  push   RBP
  mov    RBP, RSP
  sub    RSP, 16
  movss  DWORD PTR [RBP - 4], XMM5
Source line: 1
  movaps     XMM0, XMM2
  movaps     XMM1, XMM5
  movabs     RAX, 140735600044048
  call   RAX
  movss  XMM1, DWORD PTR [RBP - 4]
  addss  XMM0, XMM1
  movabs RAX, 140735600044048
  add    RSP, 16
  pop    RBP
  jmp    RAX



Introduced this issue for possible LLVM error.



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