E.preventDefault (); undefined is not a function

I get the following error: e.preventDefault();


" e.

" undefined is not a function

when clicked <button class='url_qry_add' onclick='url_qry_add(this);'>

. The function itself is defined to the end of mine </body>

, and I only called jQuery once.

The structure of the function looks like this:

var url_qry_add = function ( e ) {


It used to be:

$( "ul.url_qry" ).on( "click", "li .url_qry_add", function ( e ) {


But subsequent buttons added dynamically thereafter were not collected.

So, I was trying to figure out how to do this, and decided that I should try to convert the problem function into a named "invokable" function and place the call manually with the onclick='..'

in buttons that exist before and after dynamic creation.

As I said, the error must be in the way I created the function or the way I call it. The error is not related to file order, and I did not accidentally nest the function in another function or document.ready


What am I doing wrong?


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1 answer

<button class='url_qry_add' onclick='url_qry_add(event);'>

var url_qry_add = function (e) {
    console.log(typeof e.preventDefault); // function 



I'll try to explain how it works "internally", when we add attributes to the url_qry_add function "internally", it looks like this:

document.querySelector('.url_qry_add').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
  (function (event) {
    url_qry_add(event, this, $(this));
  }).call(event.target, event);

var url_qry_add = function (event, element, $jElement) {


Hence, we have a variable "event" (an event object where we have a preventDefault method, etc.) and "this" (the current element). Hope this explanation helps you understand where we get the "event" variable.



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