Check file before upload with h: inputFile and javax.servlet.http.Part in JSF

I am working on a JSF web project that uses the h: inputFile facility to upload files. I am binding the h: inputFile value to a base bean property of type javax.servelt.http.Part

<h:inputFile id="inputfile" validator="#{bean.validateFile}" value="#{bean.part}"/>


Also I use the following file validation strategy in the same bean backing:

 public void validateFile(FacesContext con, UIComponent comp, Object value) {
    Part p = (Part) value;
    List<FacesMessage> list = new ArrayList<>();
    if (p.getSize() == 0) {
        list.add(new FacesMessage("File Size too small"));
    if (p.getSize()>MAXSIZE) {
        list.add(new FacesMessage("File Size too Big"));
    if (!list.isEmpty()) {
        throw new ValidatorException(list);


My question is: Does the Part interface use the whole file that will be uploaded to the server and THEN it will receive confirmation (i.e. its size) when the form is submitted?

As I experience this on localhost (Glass fish v.4), I see a message in the left corner of the Chrome browser indicating the file upload process, and after that, in case of a file validation error, I get a confirmation message.I am worried in real life situations (e.g. slow internet connections), this is a rather inconvenient way to send a size check error after uploading a file!

Please help me and if this is the way I am guessing please post an alternative solution.

Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

This is normal behavior. The server needs access to the file to validate it (content, size ...) and access can only be granted through user interaction eg. sending form.

See: ICEFaces inputFile gets file content without loading



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