Kendo Autocomplete how to disable default CSS styling

I have introduced input forms using Twitter Bootstrap.

I need to add a Kendo autocomplete input, but the problem is that each autocomplete input initialized overrides my CSS styles for input (see image below). The left input is styled using Kendo autocomplete, the input on the right is Bootstrap style.

Is it possible to turn off Kendo's input style on a form?

enter image description here

Thanks for any help.


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1 answer

I also faced this problem, will find the solution below.

<style type="text/css">
/*The below is to remove the css for the autocomplete control - Job Title */
        .autocomplete {
            display: inline-block !important;
            border: 0 !important;
            background: none !important;
            box-shadow: none !important;


Initializing control

                    dataSource: data.Sample,
                    dataTextField: "title_Cd",
                    filter: "startswith"
                }) .parent()


Here it is..

Thanks Dev



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