Is there any in GWT to be notified of which snippet will be loaded

There are various chunks in our GWT application, and each one is very large in size (1+ MB). We would like to show a progress bar while GWT is loading the snippet. We are using GWTP based code splitting.

I couldn't find anything related to the fragment load event in the GWT source code. Does anyone have an idea of ​​how the Javascript on the page can be notified which snippet will be loaded next?


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1 answer

There is no direct way, but you can get around it in basically two ways.

1. - Extending CrossSiteIframeLinker

and overriding the method getJsInstallScript()

so that you can return customized javascript content that might somehow alert the user to the permutation being loaded or just show a counter. Please note that your script must contain code similar to installScriptEarlyDownload.js


// Your linker class
public class MyXSILinker extends CrossSiteIframeLinker {
  protected String getJsInstallScript(LinkerContext context) {
    return "/your_namespace/your_script.js";

// your "/your_namespace/your_script.js" script
function installScript(filename) {

// your module file
<define-linker name="mylinker" class="...MyXSILinker" />
<add-linker name="mylinker" />


2.- Using the function window.__gwtStatsEvent

. You can define a function in index.html

to start the download loader when the application download script is added to your document, then use your gwt code to remove that.

// In your index.html
window.__gwtStatsEvent = function(r) {
  if (r.type == 'scriptTagAdded') {
    d = document.createElement('div') = 'loading'
    d.innerHTML = 'Loading...'

// In your EntryPoint class


To show an accurate progress bar is rather difficult because the tag <script>

doesn't support progress events. So the best approach should be a linker loading the permutation using ajax, as you can use html5 progress events on the object xhr


I would use approach # 2 showing a nice spinner, animated css.



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