If I remove the copy constructor, can't I get the implicit move constructor?

The following command will not compile (tested by both clang and gcc)

#include <vector>

struct Foo
    Foo(int a=0) : m_a(a) {}
    Foo(const Foo& f) = delete;
    // Foo(Foo&& f) = default;
    int m_a;

int main()
    std::vector<Foo> foovec;
    foovec.emplace_back(44); // might resize, so might move


But if I don't remove the copy constructor, or if the move constructor is used by default,
this works. Thus, deleting the copy constructor disables the move constructor,
and why is this rational?


source to share

1 answer

You should see a table about the special members of the class. When you set the copy constructor to be remote, the move constructor is not automatically generated.

More details in the table:

enter image description here

Source (slides) .



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