Infrared UltraGrid total cost per cell

I have this ultraGrid:

I need to pass a custom value from the red-labeled column in the picture to the final cell.

Infragistics allows me to put Max, Min, Sum, Average, etc. to the summary cell, but I need to pass a custom value.

Any help?

I have this code that puts the Max value:

     Dim columnToSummarizeVlrAq As UltraGridColumn = ugbBens.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(ugbBensColVlrAq)

 Dim summaryVlrAq As SummarySettings = .Add(ugbBensColVlrAq,SummaryType.Maximum, columnToSummarizeVlrAq, SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn)


Here's the solution:

Create a new class:

Public Class MyCustomSummarySettings
    Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator

    Private valor As Object = 0

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Public Sub Val()
    End Sub

    Private Sub BeginCustomSummary(ByVal summarySettings As SummarySettings, ByVal rows As RowsCollection) Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator.BeginCustomSummary
        valor = 0
    End Sub

    Private Sub AggregateCustomSummary(ByVal summarySettings As SummarySettings, ByVal row As UltraGridRow) Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator.AggregateCustomSummary

        'Primeiro mês
        If summarySettings.Key = "COL_DeprAntExVlrRv" Then
            If row.Index = 0 Then valor = CDbl(row.Cells("COL_DeprAntExVlrRv").Value)
        End If

        If summarySettings.Key = "fltVlrDepreciavelAct" Then
            If row.Index = 0 Then valor = CDbl(row.Cells("fltVlrDepreciavelAct").Value)
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Function EndCustomSummary(ByVal summarySettings As SummarySettings, ByVal rows As RowsCollection) As Object Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator.EndCustomSummary
        Return valor
    End Function
End Class


And call the class with a custom pivot type like:

Dim custumSummary As New MyCustomSummarySettings

summaryDepreciavel = .Add(ugbBensColDepreciavelAceite, SummaryType.Custom, custumSummary, columnToSummarizeDepreciavel, SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn, Nothing) '7ª Coluna



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1 answer

Dim custumSummary As New MyCustomSummarySettings

summaryDepreciavel = .Add(ugbBensColDepreciavelAceite, SummaryType.Custom, custumSummary, columnToSummarizeDepreciavel, SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn, Nothing)




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