Subclassed UIView is not visible, however content is visible

I subclassed UIView: and when I add it to another UIViewController view:

self.myView = MyView.newAutoLayoutView()
self.myView.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()


no red background. Seems to myView

have no width or height. However, the content is visible:

foto 07 11 14 23 12 36

I need to hardcode the size:

self.myView.autoSetDimensionsToSize(CGSize(width: 100, height: 100))


but shouldn't it automatically grow to fit the content? I am using swift, xcode6.1 and iOS8.1


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1 answer

Views don't automatically grow to fit their content. If you turn it clipsToBounds

on in your view, you will see the content disappear. Also, if you place a button as part of your content, you will see it, but you will not be able to interact with it because it is outside its bounds superview


In your subclass, you can implement methods sizeToFit

or sizeThatFits:

, but they will not be automatically called by the system. You should consider assigning constraints to your view in your storyboard. If you are not using a storyboard, you need to assign a frame in the viewWillLayoutSubviews

or method layoutSubviews


Storyboards will also please your custom view better if you implement intrinsicContentSize




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