Export data from neo4j to csv instead of json

I am using packages neo4jdb-python

to query a Neo4j database. For example, given the below code

import neo4j
connection = neo4j.connect("http://localhost:7474")
cursor = connection.cursor()
for i in cursor.execute("MATCH a RETURN a LIMIT 1"):
    print i 


But the output is in the form of a tuple. those.

({u'text': u'Stoyanov, S., Hoogveld, B., Kirschner, P.A., (2010). Mapping Major Changes to Education and Training in 2025, in JRC Technical Note JRC59079., Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg.', u'identifier': u'reference/lak/226'},)


How to get output in csv format. This is possible with the neo4j web view. and the way out is like

"{""text"":""Stoyanov, S., Hoogveld, B., Kirschner, P.A., (2010). Mapping Major Changes to Education and Training in 2025, in JRC Technical Note JRC59079., Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg."",""identifier"":""reference/lak/226""}"


However, I want to do this through a client program as I need to embed it in another program. If this is not possible with neo4jdb-python

, what other options are available.


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2 answers

This CSV doesn't actually come from a specific API - it gets translated to CSV format on the client side.

The relevant code is in exportable.coffee if you want to take a look:

    $scope.exportCSV = (data) ->
      return unless data
      csv = new CSV.Serializer()
      for row in data.rows()


And that goes for CSV.coffee . I think you should be able to do something like this in Python, perhaps with json.dumps like this:

> import json
> t = ({u'text': u'Stoyanov, S., Hoogveld, B., Kirschner, P.A., (2010). Mapping Major Changes to Education and Training in 2025, in JRC Technical Note JRC59079., Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg.', u'identifier': u'reference/lak/226'},)
> json.dumps(t)
 '[{"text": "Stoyanov, S., Hoogveld, B., Kirschner, P.A., (2010). Mapping Major Changes to Education and Training in 2025, in JRC Technical Note JRC59079., Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg.", "identifier": "reference/lak/226"}]'




The Neo4j server only returns JSON as Mark Needham says in his response .

Hence, any code that needs to be converted to CSV must be client-side. This can be done using the csv module . Please note that the package is neo4jdb-python

only compatible with Python2.7.

Minimum code to get data

import neo4j
connection = neo4j.connect("http://localhost:7474")
cursor = connection.cursor()
data = list(cursor.execute("MATCH a RETURN a LIMIT 1")


Note that, as mentioned in the question, the return values ​​are in the form of tuples. The minimal code to create a csv file is

with open("test.csv","w") as csvfile:
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile,delimiter = ',',quotechar = '"',quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
    for i in t:
        writer.writerow(['{"%s":"%s"}'%(k,v) for k,v in i.iteritems()])


The explanation of the code is simple, open the file. Using csv.writer

, create an object writer

. First, write a title using writerow

. Finally, loop through the dictionary and write the lines.

The resulting result

"{""text"":""Stoyanov, S., Hoogveld, B., Kirschner, P.A., (2010). Mapping Major Changes to Education and Training in 2025, in JRC Technical Note JRC59079., Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg.""}","{""identifier"":""reference/lak/226""}"


which is similar to the one obtained using the exportable.coffee




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