Multiple GET Methods: Choose the Most Specific

I have a web service that looks like this:

public class Ws {
    @GET public Record getOne(@QueryParam("id") Integer id) { return record(id); }
    @GET public List<Record> getAll() { return allRecords(); }


The idea is that I can either call:

  • http://ws:8080/ws?id=1

    to get a specific entry
  • http://ws:8080/ws

    to get all available records

However, when I use the second url, the first method @GET

is called with null id


Is there a way to achieve what I want without using different paths?

I think this can be achieved with Spring using annotations @RequestMapping(params={"id"})

and @RequestMapping

for the first and second methods respectively, but I cannot use Spring in this project.


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1 answer

Since the path is the same, you cannot map it to another method. If you change the path using REST style mapping

public class Ws {
    @GET @Path("/{id}") public Response getOne(@PathParam("id") Integer id) { return Response.status(200).entity(record(id)).build(); }
    @GET public Response getAll() { return Response.status(200).entity(allRecords()).build(); } 


then you should use:

  • http://ws:8080/ws/1

    to get a specific entry
  • http://ws:8080/ws

    to get all available records


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