How to run PHPUnit test with its dependencies

My setup looks something like this:

class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    // More tests before

    public function testOne()
        // Assertions

        return $value;

     * @depends testOne
    public function testTwo($value)
        // Assertions

    // More tests after


I would like to focus on testTwo, but when I do phpunit --filter testTwo

, I get a message like this:

This test depends on "MyTest::testOne" to pass.
No tests executed!


My question is, is there a way to run one test with all its dependencies?


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3 answers

It is not possible to automatically start all dependencies. However, you can put your tests in annotated groups @group

and then run phpunit --group myGroup




I know this is not very convenient either, but you can try

phpunit --filter 'testOne|testTwo' 


According to the phpunit docs, we can use regex as a filter.

Also you can use a data provider to generate your value for the second test. But keep in mind that the data provider method will always run before all tests so that it can slow down execution if it has heavy processing.

Another approach is to create some kind of helper method or object that will execute some actual work and cache results to be used by various tests. Then you won't need to use dependencies, and your data will be generated on demand and cached for sharing by various tests.

class MyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase

    protected function _helper($someParameter) {
        static $resultsCache;
        if(!isset($resultsCache[$someParameter])) {
            // generate your $value based on parameters
            $resultsCache[$someParameter] = $value;
        return $resultsCache[$someParameter];

    // More tests before

    public function testOne()
        $value = $this->_helper('my parameter');
        // Assertions for $value


    public function testTwo()
        $value = $this->_helper('my parameter');
        // Get another results using $value

        // Assertions
    // More tests after




use regex

phpunit --filter='/testOne|testTwo/'




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