Mysqli_result class object cannot be converted to string just by creating a query

I have asked many questions, I am new to mysqli.

This is my code:

 function user_data($user_id, $con) {
    $data = array();
    $func_num_args = func_num_args();
    $func_get_args = func_get_args();
    if ($func_num_args > 2) {
    $fields = '`' . implode('`, `', (array)$func_get_args) . '`';
    $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT $fields FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = $user_id");
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    return $row[$fields];


This is mistake

Spoofed fatal error: class object mysqli_result cannot be converted to string in C: \ Users \ DCV_Diego \ Dropbox \ vment \ htdocs \ LOL \ all \ functions \ users.php on line 15

This is line 15:

$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT $fields FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = $user_id");` 


I don't understand why this error appears, I am not using mysqli_query

as a string, I am using a while loop to return the string data. At least maybe the error should be on the line return



This is my new code

function user_data($user_id, $con, $fields) {
    $data = array();
    $fields = '`' . implode('`, `', $fields)  . '`';
    $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT $fields FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = $user_id");
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $data[] = $row;

    return $data;


It still doesn't work !!!!
Here is my line calling the function

$user_data = user_data($session_user_id, $con, $fields);


(BTW I'm trying to indent and it just doesn't work -, -)


source to share

2 answers

I'm sorry about this question! I realized my mistake, I chose the wrong database, a database that was not there! I think I found out about this, now I am checking if the connection to the database is successful mysqli_connect_errno

Thank you all anyway!



There are a lot of problems here:

The first assumption is that $con

is a mysqli connection, so you cannot use it and assign it as fields and use them for implode()


Second, after that you need to add another parameter that contains the actual fields (you can use an array for this).

Don't use return

inside a loop, collect results first, then finally use return at the end.


$con is for the mysqli connection
$user_id = is going to be used in WHERE clause
$fields is the columns


function user_data($con, $user_id, $fields) {

    $data = array();
    $fields = implode(', ', $fields);
    $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT $fields FROM users WHERE user_id= $user_id");
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $data[] = $row;

    return $data;


$con = new mysqli('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'database_name');
$fields = array('col1', 'col2', 'col3');
$user_id = 1;
$data = user_data($con, $user_id, $fields);




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