Dragging the return function definition into the MaybeT monad transformer

MaybeT is defined as

newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }


And, MaybeT m is also an instance of the Monad class, the function return

is defined as

return  = MaybeT . return . Just


But I read that "It would also have been possible (though arguably less readable) to write return = MaybeT . return . return"

, it confused me.

How return = MaybeT . return . return

equal return = MaybeT . return . Just



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In Haskell functions such as return

are polymorphic. If you examine the type return

, you will see that it return :: Monad m => a -> m a

indicates that it works for any monad. As it turns out, it Maybe

is a monad, so there should be (somewhere in the standard libraries) a declaration instance


instance Monad Maybe where
  return = ...


and, as it turned out, the instance definition return

for Maybe


instance Monad Maybe where
  return = Just


So this indicates why we are allowed to replace return

with Just

, but it doesn't explain why Haskell actually does it.

It turns out that Haskell uses type inference to determine what the "actual" type of a polymorphic function is. So, to make it clear what's going on in your example, Haskell can recognize that the rightmost one return

should return a value wrapped in Maybe

, and therefore knows to specialize return

to return :: a -> Maybe a

, and then it uses instance Monad Maybe

for return

and turns it into Just




Consider the definition MaybeT


newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }


First definition return

(read it from page up):

return =
  MaybeT .   -- put `m (Maybe a)` into `MaybeT`: MaybeT (m (Maybe a))
    return . -- put `Maybe a` into external monad: m (Maybe a)
      Just   -- put value into `Maybe`: Maybe a



is also a monad. It return

is equal Just

. Therefore, the second MaybeT


defines exactly the same function:

return =
  MaybeT .   -- put `m (Maybe a)` into `MaybeT`: MaybeT (m (Maybe a))
    return . -- put `Maybe a` into external monad: m (Maybe a)
      return -- it the same as `Just` for `Maybe`: Maybe a




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