How can I assert that the field is not empty using Codeception / PhantomJS?

I have a form that, when filled in and clicked, returns a list of zip codes in a hidden field. I want to assert that the field list is complete. However, I would not want to validate field values ​​against any particular list, allowing future census or postal information changes. How can I just assert that the field is not empty using the Codeception WebDriver? I tried to use

$set_zips = $I->grabValueFrom('#zips');



$I->cantSeeInField('#zips', '')`


but couldn't verify this even if the field is indeed filled.


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1 answer

I was able to create a helper to accomplish this:

function dontSeeFieldIsEmpty($value)


I put this in tests/_support/AcceptanceHelper.php

and named it in my Cest:





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