Can't convert pandas DataFrame to json using to_json

I know there are several other posts in Stack Overflow regarding this same problem, however, none of the solution found in these posts, or any other post I found on the internet for that matter, worked. I followed numerous tutorials, videos, books and posts on stack overflow on pandas and all the solutions mentioned have failed.

The inconvenience is that all the solutions I have found are correct, or at least should be; I am new to pandas, so my only conclusion is that I probably have something wrong.

Here is the pandas documentation I started with: Pandas to_json Doc . I can't seem to get pandas to_json to convert the pandas DataFrame to json object or json string.

Basically, I want to convert a csv string to a DataFrame, and then convert that DataFrame to a json object or json string (I don't care which one). Then, when I have my json data structure, I am going to bind it to the D3.js histogram

Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:

# Declare my csv string (Works):
csvStr = '"pid","dos","facility","a1c_val"\n"123456","2013-01-01 13:37:00","UOFU",5.4\n"65432","2014-01-01 14:32:00","UOFU",5.8\n"65432","2013-01-01 13:01:00","UOFU",6.4'
print (csvStr) # Just checking the variables contents

# Read csv and convert to DataFrame (Works):
csvDf = pandas.read_csv(StringIO.StringIO(csvStr))
print (csvDf) # Just checking the variables contents

# Convert DataFrame to json (Three of the ways I tried - None of them work):
myJSON = csvDf.to_json(path_or_buf = None, orient = 'record', date_format = 'epoch', double_precision = 10, force_ascii = True, date_unit = 'ms', default_handler = None) # Attempt 1
print (myJSON) # Just checking the variables contents

myJSON = csvDf.to_json() # Attempt 2
print (myJSON) # Just checking the variables contents

myJSON =
print (myJSON) # Just checking the variables contents


The error I am getting:

argument 1 must be a string or read-only character buffer, not a DataFrame

Which is misleading as the documentation states that "A Series or DataFrame can be converted to a valid JSON string".

Regardless, I tried to give it a string anyway and it resulted in the same error.

I tried to create a test case by following the exact steps from books and other tutorials and / or posts and it just results in the same error. At this point, I need a simple solution as soon as possible. I am open to suggestions, but I must emphasize that I donโ€™t have time to spend learning a brand new library.


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2 answers

For the first try, the correct line is 'records'

not 'record'

This worked for me:

myJSON = csvDf.to_json(path_or_buf = None, orient = 'records', date_format = 'epoch', double_precision = 10, force_ascii = True, date_unit = 'ms', default_handler = None) # Attempt 1


Printing gives:

[{"pid":123456,"dos":"2013-01-01 13:37:00","facility":"UOFU","a1c_val":5.4},
 {"pid":65432,"dos":"2014-01-01 14:32:00","facility":"UOFU","a1c_val":5.8},
 {"pid":65432,"dos":"2013-01-01 13:01:00","facility":"UOFU","a1c_val":6.4}]




It turns out this problem was caused by my own silly mistake. Checking out my use of to_json, I copy and paste the example into my code and walked away from there. Thinking I had commented out this code, I started using to_json with my test data. It turns out that the error I was getting was thrown from the example code, which I copied and pasted. Once I deleted everything and rewrote it using my test data, it worked.

However, as user667648 (Bair) pointed out, there was a different error in my code. The parameter orient

had to be orient = 'records'

NOT orient = 'record'




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