ExtJS5: get rid of root property in proxy

I am trying to connect REST API to my ExtJS app.

For GET /user

identical requests, I return a response like this:

{items: [{id: 1, ...}, {id: 2, ....}], total: 2}


So, I created a model for this:

Ext.define('model.User', {
    extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
    fields: [
        { name: 'id', type: 'int' },
        { name: 'name' },

    proxy: {
        reader: {
            type:          'json',
            totalProperty: 'total',
            rootProperty:  'items'
        type:   'rest',
        url:    '/Api/User',


Mesh loading data and everything looks perfect. Now I want to be able to request a single entry, which the api executes as {id: 1, ...}

. But when I do model.User.load(1)

, the success handler never gets triggered because the response does not contain a property items

. If I put my entry in this property it works, but it also looks ugly to other API users.

How can I get it to work without the root property? I cannot find any proxy / reader events on the model to dynamically change it.


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1 answer


can also be a function, so you can do something like:

rootProperty: function(raw) {
    return raw.items ? raw.items : raw;




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