Go to unmarshal json with a field which is an array of objects or strings

Come in, you decouple the json into a structure. The problem is that I have an api that can change the type of the key value from the request to the request.

For example, objects that can be embedded objects such as:

  "mykey": [


but also point to objects by keys, for example:

  "mykey": [


Some objects can be embedded, but others link to multiple locations.

In javascript or python this won't be a problem. Just check the type.

What is the idealistic way to untie and disassemble these two objects? Does the only way reflect?


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1 answer

You can decouple this JSON with a structure similar to the following:

type Data struct {
    MyKey []interface{} `json:"mykey"`


If the JSON contains strings, they will be decoded as strings in the array. If the JSON includes objects, they will be decoded as map[string]interface{}

. You can distinguish between them using the switch. Something like that:

for i, v := range data.MyKey {
    switch x := v.(type) {
    case string:
        fmt.Println("Got a string: ", x)
    case map[string]interface{}:
        fmt.Printf("Got an object: %#v\n", x)


You can play with this example here: http://play.golang.org/p/PzwFI2FSav



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