How do I turn off the ripple effect in polymer paper elements?

I am writing a mobile web application using polymer

which will be packaged with phonegap

to run on an android device. I am using polymer paper-tabs

and core-animated-pages

to show the switching effect. Everything works well on the device except ripple effect

for the tab. It makes the whole thing look ugly and laggy. How do I turn off the ripple effect on paper tabs (and eventually every other piece of paper)?

I tried setting the property noink

to true

in the source of paper tabs as follows, but it doesn't work.

 Polymer('paper-tabs', {

 * If true, ink ripple effect is disabled.
 * @attribute noink
 * @type boolean
 * @default false
noink: true,



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1 answer

You can use the attribute noink

on elements that have a ripple effect to turn it off:

<paper-button noink>No ink!<paper-button>
<paper-tabs noink>...<paper-tabs>


AFAICT, the former may not work until the next release of the paper with polymer. It works in the wizard, however, if you want to bleed on the edge.



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