Apple push notifications on GCM

I am trying to create an Android and iOS app and I want to use push notification for both apps. I will have a server application that will send a notification.

but I am trying to use APNS and Parse SDK to use, but I want GCM via push notifications on iOS, can you, as possible, any such GCM information for iOS push notifications, I am googling but I want some suggestions for GCM via iOS device notifications. Can you help me.


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2 answers

Update: GCM now supports IOS. See Grigo's commentary.

GCM - Android. If you want to avoid using two different services for IOS and Android, you can use something like Amazon SNS for example. SNS now supports cloud push notifications on Android, IOS and Windows devices through the AWS Mobile SDK.



The iOS Cloud Messaging Guide "has very good descriptive instructions. It shows the entire flow from registering a device token to receiving a push from the server with sample code.

After going through the above tutorial, you can go to Configure GCM Client App on iOS and you are almost ready to use GCM with iOS App



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