Why is there no default html element 100%?

Are there situations where you don't want the element to html

take up the full height of the window? Why isn't this the 100%

default height ?

html {
  height: 100%;


[Update] I changed the title and removed the link to the tag body

as I am really interested in the tag html


[Update] To clarify for the pedants, I appreciate that the decision was made in the early days of internet, and the world will probably end if the default is changed. I would like to know if there is any case or situation where setting the height of an element html

to a value other than 100%

or not setting it to 100%

would serve any practical purpose. If everyone in the world just sets it to 100% and forgets about it, or are there any edge cases where this can cause problems?


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1 answer

It depends on the application. It might be a bad idea depending on what you want, if you want the body to be less than full height then yes.



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