Server video storage / encoding optimization (J2EE)

Please let me know if this question is not on stackoverflow, so I can move along accordingly.

Purpose: i) I want to convert mp4 to mov and vice versa. ii) I want to create a thumbnail for the video iii) Rotate the thumbnail if needed (view the image metadata information)

The solution I've tried so far: i) ( - Thumbnail ii) - Convert video formats. iii) Rotation: Java code.

I can accomplish all my goals using the above solution, but in the above solution the stream reads 3 times and hence causing performance issues.

Is there any standalone library or solution that does all of these but doesn't slow us down or cause performance issues?


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1 answer

Libav library will meet your requirements. This is a library behind ffmpeg, but by building your own tool on top of the library, you can achieve all three steps in one read of the original stream. The Wikipedia entry for the library has a better overview description than the project home page.



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