Joomla 3 cannot add <script> to article

Joomla version: Joomla! 3.3.6 Stable [Ember] 01-October-2014 02:00 GMT

I want to add a js script to my article. I am using TinyMCE editor to edit an article.

I have filled in dummy text in the TinyMCE plugin field Forbidden items , now it contains "cms123", I removed "script, applet, iframe".

I checked the Global ConfigurationText Filters for superuser . I have set "No filtering".

But when i try to save my article with js code joomla removes my tags <script>

from my article also i checked with <iframe>

joomla replaced this tag with tag <i-frame>

... i'm really confused i can't figure out what is wrong.

Can anyone help me?



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5 answers

Actually, I spent 4 hours to find out this problem and got the solution now. just login to admin, then go to System → Global Configuration, where you will see Site Settings, where you will find Default Editor, select Editor - Code Mirror and save it. after that go to articles, then add script. Enjoy :)



I ran into this problem today and I am confirming the same problem. I was unable to remove the forbidden "script" elements, but I was able to remove everything else. Then I tried to just put a period in the forbidden items input box, save and now I can use script tags. I work too. I am using 3.3.6. It's strange.

  • Global Configurations -> Text Filters for Superusers - set it to "No Filtering"
  • Users -> User Manager - make sure you have superuser privileges.
  • Extensions → Plugin Manager → Filter: Editors → TnyMCE - In TinyMCE Plugin, add a period in the "Forbidden Items" field


I spent quite some time figuring this out - even after installing the JCE editor, the problem persisted. It turned out that another security component of RSFirewall was running in the background, displacing forbidden elements.

So the solution is to add an exception to the RSFirewall config:



I think you need to use jce editor

which allows you to add all the tags.

Maybe some help




It turns out the same problem. I am using 3.6.2. This is how I work it:

  • Global Configurations -> Text Filters for Superusers - set it to "No Filtering"
  • Users -> User Manager - make sure you have superuser privileges.
  • Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> Filter: Editors -> TnyMCE - In the TinyMCE plugin field, remove the "script" in the "Forbidden Items" field
  • Under "Extended Valid Items" add "script"

And now I can add script tags in the article.

enter image description here



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